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Pokemon Y Rom Zipped

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by nirecpayhu1989 2020. 1. 23. 07:49


Pokemon Y Rom Zipped

How to Download Pokemon X and Y on PC? All you have to do is to click the below download button to start downloading the Pokemon X and Y English Rom. Since the Rom for the English Pokemon X and Y Pokedex leak can be claimed by Nintendo and Pokemon officials anytime, it is best to take advantage of this Pokemon X and Y download as soon as possible. Download Pokemon X and Y Rom in English for Free, Don't wait Till October & Be the First to Play it! Leaked Rom without No Survey.

Main Features​ Trainers. A more consistent but much harder level curve to greatly increase difficulty. Many trainers now have a greater amount of Pokemon with custom movesets, higher IVs and items. Gym leaders have been significantly upgraded. They get progressively tougher in terms of amount of Pokemon, IVs, Access to Mega-Evolution, move-sets and items. There are a greater number of rotation, double and triple battles.

Calem and Serena's teams' will be completely different depending on your starterPokemon (See documentation for detailed information). All 721 Pokemon available in one play-through - every area has a lot more variety to offer. All previously unavailable Pokemon are now included - Eg; Rattata.

Most Pokemon now have easy access to their Hidden abilities. Pokemon who had comparatively non-beneficial abilities have been given a new set entirely. Many Pokemon have had their stats slightly edited to make them comparatively viable to use; Some have also had their typing edited such as Golduck who is now Water/Psychic. A lot of Pokemon have had their level up moveset edited to either match that of ORAS or improve those who didn't have a great moveset to begin with. A few moves themselves have been edited in terms of accuracy, type and BP.

HMs such as cut have had their typing changed and BP boosted. Pokemon who needed to be traded to evolve can now be evolved by alternate methods (usually by level up). Pokemon who can mega evolve such as Mawile will have a 50% of carrying their respective mega stone.

All Pokemon eggs now hatch extremely quicklyStoryline. Team flare have a new ranking order (Leader Lysandre - Deputy Leader Xerosic - four Elemental admins - Commanders - Grunts). Elemental admins are much stronger and use diverse teams according to their element. You now have more battles with Shauna, Tierno and Trevor. Most of these are optional and are initiated by seeking out and talking to trainers in areas - Eg; Santalune Forest.

Credits​. Kaphotics for the amazing work on PK3DS and the ProjectPokemon community which made this project possible!. Asia81 for the effort and simplicity of making it possible to decompress the games and allow me to edit them!

Also, for the title screens!. SciresM for the 3ds rom builder!. SMOKE for having the amazing patience to help with a very tedious game-breaking bug!.

Kashitoxicblood for the banner+screenshots!. Gudenaurock for the custom patcher!. S hadowtrance for screenshots!. GamingAori for bug testing. for the front page logo!.

Ericzander for helping with guide and making a video tutorial!. Mg1189 for the amazing documentation. Pokaytroll fo Homebrew vids.

Click to expand.Yeah I completely get you on that. The thing is X and y actually already had quite a large amount of Pokemon in the wilds table I was surprised when I actually went to edit so I ended up just adding in the missing ones evenly and then shaking up encounters a bit although I've probably missed one or two pokemon who should be in the game.


I think in the end new features and difficulty took a more prominent role than adding and mixing up the encounters but if noone else creates a simple 700+ hack for X and Y I would be more than happy to do that once this one gets its bugs etc sorted! Yeah I completely get you on that. The thing is X and y actually already had quite a large amount of Pokemon in the wilds table I was surprised when I actually went to edit so I ended up just adding in the missing ones evenly and then shaking up encounters a bit although I've probably missed one or two pokemon who should be in the game.

Pokemon Y Rom Zipped Free

I think in the end new features and difficulty took a more prominent role than adding and mixing up the encounters but if noone else creates a simple 700+ hack for X and Y I would be more than happy to do that once this one gets its bugs etc sorted! You posted it on /v/ because you wanted some attention, so I signed up because someone has to be That Guy. This is certainly an interesting idea. The very fact that you're hacking Gen 6 is worthy of applause, but you've made a few very significant changes that a huge majority of people would never support and that will ultimately hurt the success of your hack. Never change Pokemon types.Unless you're inventing new Pokemon, altering a Pokemon's type will ALWAYS rub people the wrong way.

Just don't do it. Never change Pokemon evolutions.You have already angered a number of people by making Raichu, a long-standing evolution of Pikachu, an evolution of Dedenne. This kind of change makes no sense even if you believe that Dedenne and Raichu are similar. It's too radical and will cause people to instantly drop the project. I've always supported Luvdisc - Alomomola, but making it a straight up evolution will also rub people the wrong way. My recommendations for this will be at the bottom of the post.

Rebranding long-standing staple items is also a bad idea.I understand that you need to change certain items to fit your ideal situation, but items like the Ultra Ball should stay as is. There are dozens of items that have no other use.

Pokemon Y Rom Zipped File

Take any of those and change them to your needs, but leave the staples alone.My suggestions for your evolution changes:Keep Pichu - Pikachu - Raichu. This change is just silly and will cause people to hate the project.Add a 'special' Raichu, if possible. Slightly different colored, maybe. Make that Dedenne's evolution.Keep Luvdisc - Alomomola, but make it either super late level or add a different method.Remove Carbink - Diancie because the lore behind that is that Diancie, the diamond, formed from Carbink after MANY YEARS. If you have to keep it, make it a special scenario where it evolves at like level 100 or something to signify it's long life.Pachirisu - Emolga and Tauros - Bouffalant should also be considered, but make them hard to do.I hope you take this seriously, because your hack cannot and will not be taken seriously with such significant changes.

I can't seem to get the ExeFS Editing Tools to work. I have a Pokemon X folder that contains a exe and a romfs folder and the exe folder contains the code.bin.I have tried it with naming the Folder exefs, naming the file.code.bin and with both compressed and decompressed code.bin.Am I doing something wrong? Everything else seems to work just fine.Also, looking at the code, if I understand it correctly, it should not load the Override Options all the time and instead count the files in the a Folder (271 in my case, wich is normal for Pokemon X/Y) and automatically know what game it is.I also get some errors:In the Evolution Editor clicking on Randomize all. I'm not too sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but I'm gonna try anywayIs it possible to randomize Pokemon in the Personal Editor without randomizing typing?It seems that whenever I randomize, it'll randomize the typing as well!I'm looking to create a randomize nuzlocke, but I'd like to go without a psychic/normal poochyenaHave you thought about making the randomizer for the Personal Editor similar to the Trainer Editor? (menu with options)Sorry for all the crazy questions.;o;.EDIT.I just ended up taking the typing out of the randomizer in the source code and recompiling, thanks for your fantastic tool ^^ Edited February 21, 2015 by Melody.

Pokemon Y Rom Zipped